
Alpha Access Keys Reworked – Now include Beta Access and more free goodies

In a new update, Intrepid Studios has changed the contents of the Alpha 2 access keys that players can purchase to now include several new features, aswell as Beta access.
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Alpha Access Keys Reworked – Now include Beta Access and more free goodies

In a new update, Intrepid Studios has changed the contents of the Alpha 2 access keys that players can purchase to now include several new features, aswell as Beta access.

Thanks to your glorious feedback, we have made some adjustments as you can see in the above image. We appreciate our community beyond words, and we want you to know that we hear you.

  • First, Second, and Third Wave have now been changed into Bundles which include Alpha Two, Beta One, and Beta Two access, a 1 Month of Subscription Time ($15 value), and $15 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!).

  • As noted above in this article, Alpha Two will turn into an NDA’d Test Realm which will get access to content prior to the Beta and Launch realms. This Test Realm will continue post launch.

  • Purchasing into a phase, grants access to subsequent phases.

  • Alpha 2 Phase III, is expected to last at least 1 year. This is of course subject to change due to active development.

  • Alpha 2 does not have a subscription cost.

  • When the game launches, Ashes of Creation will NOT have a box price.

  • The cost behind Alpha Two access accounts for realm and CDN costs associated with a live service product. While this is not a finished game, it will be a live service that we will be updating on a 6 week basis as we build out the rest of the game’s content and features.

  • We’d like to reiterate, please do NOT consider purchasing testing access to Ashes of Creation, if your intent is to play a completed game. Please wait until Launch.
    • This is not a typical approach of development and marketing. It will be rough, buggy and require dedicated players who are willing to be testers.
    • We have our internal QA teams, along with externally contracted QA testers that are testing right now, every day. We understand that this approach is not everyone’s cup of tea, but this is the path we are taking because we believe it will yield a better finished product, and we all have experienced enough MMOs that have not hit the mark when it comes to launching when they are TRULY ready.


We appreciate everyone’s feedback, understanding, and support along our development journey. We can’t wait for some of you to join us on Verra!

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