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Players Exploiting Torghast Powers in Mythic Keystone Dungeons – No Blizzard Response

Evidence of what appears to be a long-running history of exploitive behavior has been uncovered after a series of +30 keys with suspiciously high death counts and impossibly fast boss kills appeared on!
Home » Dragonflight » Players Exploiting Torghast Powers in Mythic Keystone Dungeons – No Blizzard Response

Players Exploiting Torghast Powers in Mythic Keystone Dungeons – No Blizzard Response

Evidence of what appears to be a long-running history of exploitive behavior has been uncovered after a series of +30 keys with suspiciously high death counts and impossibly fast boss kills appeared on!

Using what are most likely anima powers taken out of Torghast, the group of exploiting players managed to complete several +30 keys, including Murozond’s Rise, Waycrest Manor, Atal’Dazar, Darkheart Thicket, and Galakrond’s Fall. Despite attempting to hide their characters, community resources identified the suspicious runs, as well as identifying information contained within.

At this point in time, this does not appear to be a widespread exploit, though it is not a particularly new one either. During Shadowlands, these anima powers could be taken out of Torghast using Warlock pets, following a very specific set of steps involving cross faction groups and well-timed ALT+F4, allowing them to deal obscene amounts of damage that easily trivialized Mythic+ and raid content. Often used surreptitiously, saccing a pet early or only bringing it out during the final phase of an encounter to make kill times appear legitimate, some of these logs could be easily overlooked, while others are very obvious.

Official Reddit Post About the Situation

Some of you may remember a similar story during Vault I believe where some exploiters found ways to bring Torghast powers into the raid and one-shot bosses with it.

Guess whos back, this time likely involving Mage powers. Buckle up, this is a bit tinfoily but I believe to have found a bunch of accounts being prepped to be sold through this manner.

If you’re subbed to you can see a couple of their accidentally logged runs here:

If you’re not subbed, here’s screenshots of whats going on there – for subbed users, it looks different now as they noticed their character names were exposed and have since changed account privacy to all but this mage through which I was able to find the other runs (and more):

Note what’s common:

  • hilariously high death count

  • impossibly fast boss kills

  • the priest and paladin chain die to pad the timer so it looks like a legit finish time

  • very very unconventional pathing (e.g. killing no trash before Priestess in Atal and pulling her first)

  • double mage

    • most notably, these 2 mages are surviving eg. +30 Tyra Volkaal without tank alive for 1:30 and still kill him and never died in one of the logged runs

    • they are the common factor across all of these comps

So I spent some time checking their past runs as far as possible – armory does a good job here linking their best runs to other characters and there’s a literal network of exploiting characters out there. All but one of the following characters are sus in some way:

  • very low achievement points, most very recently created

  • no log history

  • some kind of exploitative behaviour

    • either killing M raid bosses the same/around the same date as world first, without a guild

    • or partaking in above keys

The characters:

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