The 20th Anniversary for World of Warcraft – Huge New Event Coming in Patch 11.0.5
The 20th Anniversary Celebration of World of Warcraft is almost here, and we have many exciting activities and rewards to share with you as we look ahead to what’s in the works.
Mythic G’huun & Mythic N’Zoth Now Soloable – Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7 Hotfix
With Patch 10.2.7, Blizzard made older Raids from BFA more accessible for solo players farming their mounts. The final bosses still have been impossible to solo, but this was now changed in a recent hotfix.
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria – All Information & Rewards
Blizzard posted their official overview for the upcoming time-limited event Remix: Mists of Pandaria.
The War Within Alpha Build #3 – Old Tier Sets Warbound, Arcane Mage Rework
The next Alpha Build for The War Within has been published, adding two new Dungeons, a new Zone & Level Cap, Engineering Profession and Rework to Demonology and Arcane Mage.
Official Patch Notes for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7 – Dark Heart
Blizzard has released the official Patch Notes for the upcoming Patch 10.2.7 – Dark Heart, bridging the gap between the story of Dragonflight and The War Within.