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Devastation Evoker – The War Within Season 1

Our Devastation Evoker – The War Within Season 1 Guide prepares you for all the adventures in World of Warcraft’s first Season of The War Within! Check out our War Within S1 Dev Evoker Guide here on

Devastation Evoker – The War Within Season 1

Our Devastation Evoker – The War Within Season 1 Guide prepares you for all the adventures in World of Warcraft’s first Season of The War Within! Check out our War Within S1 Dev Evoker Guide here on

Easy Mode / Summary

Best Embellishments for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Players can wear two Items with the “Embellishment” tag. These Items grant additional power which should be used in all scenarios. These items are crafted by players with the respective crafting profession. The current most popular Embellishments are:

Stat Priority for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1 (Mythic Dungeons)

  1. Intellect
  2. Critical Strike
  3. Haste
  4. Versatility
  5. Mastery

Stat Priority for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1 (Raid Content)

  1. Intellect
  2. Critical Strike
  3. Haste
  4. Versatility
  5. Mastery

Most used Trinkets for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Both lists show the currently best Trinkets in either a Single Target situation or Multi Target combat. This list might not reflect the perfect choice for your unique situation. Trinkets can differ at any boss or in different dungeons. The see a full overview of Trinkets – visit Bloodmallet.

Beware that Healer trinkets are not included in this list.


Changes to Devastation Evoker in The War Within

In The War Within, many classes have received significant changes to their talent trees and tuning. One of the new features in The War Within are the Hero Talents, unlocked at Level 71 and allowing players to choose between two spec-altering Hero Classes.


  • All talent trees have had many talents move locations or have had their pathing updated. 
  • Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58) and the one-Evoker-per-realm restriction has been removed.
  • Evokers now unlock the talent pane immediately after choosing a specialization in the Forbidden Reach, and they no longer learn “temporary” talents as they complete the Forbidden Reach experience.
  • Several base spells that were previously learned at level 58 are now learned at level 10.
  • Mass Return is now learned at level 38 (was level 59).
  • Fury of the Aspects is now learned at level 48 (was level 60).
  • Overawe has been redesigned – Now grants 30 seconds of cooldown reduction (was cooldown reduction per Enrage dispelled).
  • Spatial Paradox has moved to the Class tree (was Augmentation) and its cooldown increased to 3 minutes (was 2 minutes). Choice node with Time Spiral.
  • Lifecinders now upgrades Renewing Blaze to allow 1 friendly target. If no target is selected, it will find a nearby injured ally.
  • Panacea healing reduced by 50% and now also heals the caster when Verdant Embrace is cast. 
  • Panacea is now considered a Green spell, and is improved by Lush Growth.
  • Oppressing Roar cone radius increased to 60 degrees (was 45 degrees).
  • Landslide now roots targets for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Devastation
    • New Talent: Scorching Embers – Enemies take 20% increased damage from your Red spells while affected by Fire Breath.
    • Snapfire has been slightly redesigned – Now grants a free cast of Firestorm that does not trigger the cooldown. Now also triggers from Pyre.
    • Feed the Flames has been redesigned – Now causes enemies to take 20% more damage from Pyre and Disintegrate if they are inside your Firestorm.
    • Feed the Flames once again triggers a Firestorm after casting 9 Pyres. 
    • Imminent Destruction now also increases the damage of Disintegrate and Pyre by 10% for 12 seconds after you land, in addition to its current effect. 
    • Fire Breath threat generated reduced by 50%.
    • Pyre threat generated reduced by 30%.
    • Animosity can no longer extend Dragonrage beyond 16 seconds.
    • Firestorm radius increased to 10 yards (was 8) and its tick rate now increases with Haste.
    • Imminent Destruction now also increases Disintegrate and Pyre damage by 10%, and lasts 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Honed Aggression now increases Azure Strike and Living Flame damage by 10% per point (was 5%).
    • The following talents have been removed:
      • Everburning Flame
      • Raging Inferno

Gems, Enchants and Consumables

Best Gems in Season 1

Regarding the Stat Priority listed below, we currently suggest using the following Sockets in your Gear. Some classes want to maximize the gain received from their Blasphemite Gems by socketing all possible different colors of Gems.


Best Enchants in Season 1

Enchants with Tertiary Stats (Avoidance, Speed or Leech) can vary by player preference.

Cloak: Avoidance/Leech/SpeedXXX
Chest: Primary StatsXXX
Bracers: Avoidance/Leech/SpeedXXX
Boots: StaminaXXX
Pants: Primary Stat / StaminaXXX
Rings: Secondary Stat before Diminishing Returns (30%)XXX
Weapon: Primary StatsXXX

Best Consumables in Season 1

This following list is an overview of all items that players should have in their inventory at all times. These consumables are often a necessity for Mythic dungeons or Raid content and provide a large boost in players performance.

Healing Potionxxxxx
Invisibility Potionxxxxx
Repair Hammerxxxxx
Combat Rezzxxxxx

Builds and Talents

Our Talent Trees are updated every day, reflecting all current Mythic+ Affixes, aswell as the most popular Talent Builds for Raid. We gathered all information about our Talent Builds from publicly available data of the best players worldwide. 

Last Update: 06.01.2025 2:00pm PDT

Gear and Trinkets in The War Within Season 1

Best Embellishments for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Players can wear two Items with the “Embellishment” tag. These Items grant additional power which should be used in all scenarios. These items are crafted by players with the respective crafting profession. The current most popular Embellishments are:

Most used Trinkets for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Both lists show the currently best Trinkets in either a Single Target situation or Multi Target combat. This list might not reflect the perfect choice for your unique situation. Trinkets can differ at any boss or in different dungeons. The see a full overview of Trinkets – visit Bloodmallet.

Beware that Healer trinkets are not included in this list.


Best in Slot Gear for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

The following list contains various items from either Dungeons or Raid which benefit a generic Devastation Evoker the most. You should always make sure to follow your stat priority and equip gear that has either higher itemlevel, or ensure that it is an upgrade by checking Raidbots.

Dungeon Gear in The War Within Season 1


Raid Gear in The War Within Season 1


Stat Priority for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

The further we will get into the current expansion, the effects of diminishing returns start to limit the effectiveness of your secondary stats. After reaching 30% through secondary stats (eg. ~19800 Haste) on your gear, you will start receiving a penalty for each further point on your gear. This penalty reduces the gain from more of the same stat over this threshold.

Stat Priority can differ on every player due to the different gear being used. Make sure to check your own character on Raidbots to get the perfect results for you! A general overview for secondary stats is as follows.

Stat Priority for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1 (Mythic Dungeons)

  1. Intellect
  2. Critical Strike
  3. Haste
  4. Versatility
  5. Mastery

Stat Priority for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1 (Raid Content)

  1. Intellect
  2. Critical Strike
  3. Haste
  4. Versatility
  5. Mastery

General Rotation for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

For both Hero Classes we offer a general rotation overview. Beware that this is not an in-depth guide how to play your favorite class in each situation, but instead grant newer players insight about how to play and master the basics of their class.

  1. Precast  Living Flame before combat.
  2. Precast  Firestorm.
  3.  Eternity Surge (Rank 1).
  4.  Fire Breath (Rank 1).
  5.  Eternity Surge (Rank 1).
  6.  Disintegrate until you can no longer cast it (out of Essence).
  7. Cast  Living Flame with  Leaping Flames. ( Burnout makes this instant).
  8. Repeat this step until  Fire Breath is available:
  9.  Eternity Surge (Rank 1).
  10.  Eternity Surge (Rank 1).

Best Race for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Each race in World of Warcraft offers their unique combat benefits which provide different powers to a specific class. We would suggest that players choose the race of their choice, regardless of the power gained. Anyways, here is a list of the different Races and their performance.



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