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Season of Discovery Phase 2 Now Live – Level 40 Cap, Gnomeregan Raid, New Runes

Season of Discovery Phase 2 has arrived. Players can now level up to 40, earn up to 31 additional talent points, take on the challenge of Gnomeregan as a new raid dungeon, discover new runes and abilities, and more!
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Season of Discovery Phase 2 Now Live – Level 40 Cap, Gnomeregan Raid, New Runes

Season of Discovery Phase 2 has arrived. Players can now level up to 40, earn up to 31 additional talent points, take on the challenge of Gnomeregan as a new raid dungeon, discover new runes and abilities, and more!

The Gnomeregan Raid

Gnomeregan is a 10-player raid dungeon consisting of six bosses–which includes one additional new boss. Each of the previous five bosses have been redesigned to present new challenges within the raid dungeon. This dungeon will also introduce a new world buff.

For the start of the new phase, there are two lockouts on the normal weekly lockout timer. The first reset will occur on February 13 with the second occurring on February 20 during regularly scheduled maintenance.

Location: Dun Morogh
Level: 40
Raid Size: 10
Bosses: 6

There are a wide variety of new items and rewards with even more epic rewards from additional sources beyond the last two bosses of the dungeon. Players can also gain new class sets, undertake new quests, and earn rewards adjusted for level 40.

Players will also be able to undertake a new profession quest chain leading to new materials players can use to craft more powerful items.

Boss Updates

You will find some changes to the boss areas within the dungeon affording for new challenges for players to overcome. Here are some examples of what you may find within:

  • Grubbis: New radiation vents may just come into play in this encounter.
  • Crowd Pummeler 9-60: This boss has moved to a new part of the dungeon where your encounter will occur on a raised platform before a crowd.
  • Mekgineer Thermaplugg: Now has new mechanical suits as a part of his arsenal.

New Loot

We have placed a few nods to older items that were previously staples in this dungeon. Items such as the Automatic Crowd Pummeler will allow players to pick up just one of these items to reuse over and over as a quality-of-life improvement. We have also tucked in some fun items as well into the raid dungeon.

Item Sets

To help players get access to additional pieces that they are having difficulty collecting, there are also armor piece token drops allowing any player to use them to pick up additional set pieces they may be missing. For example, if your boots have been eluding you, you can use a boot armor token to purchase them from the vendor.

PvP Updates: The Blood Moon

Dive into the new PvP event—“The Blood Moon.” This new event brings with it a bit of mayhem to Stranglethorn Vale and the Blood Moon will shine above the zone casting an eerie red fog on the area.

Event: The Blood Moon
When: Every 3 Hours
Duration: 30 minutes
Where: Stranglethorn Vale

During this event, killing players will allow you to earn currency which can be traded for various rewards. While you can still group-up with your allies for the event, the Blood Moon is a harsh mistress and will punish those in raid groups.

For those who would rather live in peace and harmony with the land, you can opt out of the event by speaking with the Zandalari Emissary. You will not be able to earn any rewards from the event if you opt out and general realm PvP rules will still apply.

Unlike in the Ashenvale PvP event, there will not be any PvP objectives in Stranglethorn Vale’s event. You will also need to keep a sharp eye out for the Chosen of the Blood Loa who is more than a force to be reckoned with and will kill all in their path.

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