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Nerubar Palace – The War Within Season 1 Raid Guide

Our Nerubar Palace – The War Within Season 1 Raid Guide prepares you for all the adventures in the first Raid of World of Warcraft: The War Within! Check out our War Within Nerub’ar Palace Guide here on

Nerubar Palace – The War Within Season 1 Raid Guide

Our Nerubar Palace – The War Within Season 1 Raid Guide prepares you for all the adventures in the first Raid of World of Warcraft: The War Within! Check out our War Within Nerub’ar Palace Guide here on

Nerub'ar Palace General Information

  • Raid: Nerub’ar Palace
  • Entrance: 
  • 8 Bosses in the Raid
  • Itemlevel Reward: 
  • Special Features:
    • Class Tier Sets 
    • Only Lieutenants will reward Bind-on-Equip Items
    • Bosses can drop “Very Rare” Items with elevated Itemlevel

First Boss: Ulgrax the Devourer

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty

  • No Changes
Stalkers Webbing

Ulgrax shoots webs over random destinations, inflicting Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact, indicated by a swirl and leaves behind Stalker Netting. Stepping into Stalker Netting will root players for 8 seconds and make them deal heavy damage over that duration.


Venomous Lash

Venomous Lash deals raid-wide damage to all players, and applies a debuff for 4 seconds, which deals half of the initial damage every 2 seconds. This will also afflict a few players with Digestive Acid.


Digestive Acid

This debuff creates a green circle around several players. After 6 seconds, players explode for damage within that 7-yard circle around them, dealing damage to players inside, but also removing Stalker Netting that got struck.

Make sure to use this ability to remove Stalker Netting as much as possible!


Brutal Crush

Brutal Crush is a frontal cone in the direction of the Tank. This deals heavy damage and applies 18 stacks of Tenderized. Players with Tenderized loose one stack every one second and receive 10% less healing per stack.

Make sure to face the Boss away, and Tanks should taunt every time this ability is used.


Brutal Lashing

One player will be affected by Brutal Lashing, which deals heavy damage that has to be split with several more players. Players soaking this ability will be dragged into the Boss, and take deadly damage if coming within 8-yards of the Boss.


Hulking Smash

Upon reaching 0 Energy, Ulgrax uses Hulking Smash to leap into the middle of the room, knocking all players away and deal heavy damage. Players remaining in the impact will take even more damage.


Chittering Swarm

After using Hulking Smash, he uses Chittering Swarm to spawn several cocoons that cause Ravenous Swarm to spawn. These adds attack with medium physical damage and leave a bleeding debuff with Disembowl.

Upon death, they leave Chunky Viscera on the floor that can be picked up by players. This extra button has to be used on Ulgrax after the Intermission.


Juggernaut Charge

Ulgrax submerges, spawning a void portal off the platform and charging across the area. This is indicated by a large laser beam before he charges. Players struck take heavy damage.

Upon reaching his final destination, he deals raid-wide damage and leaves a damage over time debuff that has to be healed.


Hungering Bellows

After the Intermission, Ulgrax uses Hungering Bellows, dealing raid-wide damage that increases in intensity after each use. Use the Chunky Viscera to stop him from using this ability.

The longer he casts Hungering Bellows, the more stacks of Insatiable Rage he receives, increasing his damage done by 10% for 30 seconds per stack.

Second Boss: The Bloodbound Horror

Notable Abilities

  • Make sure that one of your Tanks is always close to the Boss, otherwise he uses Black Sepsis to kill all players.
  • Split your Raid in two groups, and assign them for each Phase of XX.

Heroic Difficulty

  • In Heroic, Spewing Hemorrhage creates two beams across the Boss, splitting the room in half, and rotates around. Players inside take deadly damage.
Black Sepsis

As the Bloodbound Horror being a stationary Boss, as soon as there is no player in melee-range, he will use Black Sepsis and attempt to kill all players with heavy damage every 2 seconds.


Crimson Rain

The Bloodbound Horror uses Crimson Rain frequently, applying a large heal absorb on all players that has to be compensated. Make sure to not walk over the bloody water when at already low HP.


Grasp from Beyond

He will also use Grasp from Beyond on several players that causes them to spawn a voidzone each second below them for 12 seconds. After 3 seconds, a voidzone erupts and deals damage to all players inside. This has a 4-yard radius.



Upon reaching 100 Energy, the Bloodbound Horror casts Goresplatter, creating a large 60-yards circle around himself which deals potentially deadly damage to all players inside. All players will still be affected by a damage over time debuff for 10 seconds. This ability increases the Bosses damage permanently by 10% with XX.


Spewing Hemorrhage

In Heroic, the Bloodbound Horror also creates Spewing Hemorrhage. Those are two opposing beams from the boss that travel around in a circle, forcing your group to rotate in a circle around the area. 


Gruesome Disgorge

Gruesome Disgorge is a frontal cone in the direction of the current Tank. This inflicts heavy damage and sends all players struck by it into The Unseeming.

Players in the Unseeming cannot interact with other players that are in the regular phase of the Boss fight. You have to split your raidgroup into two groups, and assign them to stand in the Gruesome Disgorge frontal cone.

Whenever players come back out of the the Unseeming, they will take 500% more damage with XX from the next Gruesome Disgorge, making it nearly impossibly due to the periodic damage taken to go there again.

In the Unseeming, players will encounter Forgotten Harbinger and Lost Watcher adds, and their spawn location is indicated in advance by the purple lasers.

Lost Watcher will attack the current Tank with Spectral Slam, dealing heavy damage. He also tries to channel Black Bulwark into the Boss, creating a large absorption shield on the Boss every second if not interrupted.  

The Forgotten Harbinger channels Manifest Horror, which spawns Bloodbound Horrors that travel into the Boss. If they reach the Boss, they explode for heavy damage to all players.

Third Boss: Sikran, Captain of the Sureki

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty

  • Phase Blades does now create a Cosmic Simulacrum for each player hit, not just the targets of this ability.
Captain Flourish

Sikran starts unleashing 3 consecutive attacks with Captain Flourish. The first two are Expose. This deals heavy damage and increases the damage taken of its target by 100% per stack. Sikran uses this ability twice, before using his third last attack Phase Lunge.

This deals an insane amount of physical and shadow damage which is likely to be deadly for the tank that has already a 200% increased damage taken from the expose attacks.

Tanks want to taunt just after the two Expose‘s, so the Phase Lunge is landing on the second tank.


Rain of Arrows

Rain of Arrows spawns little purple swirls that just deal damage upon impact to players inside the 3-yard radius of them.


Phase Blades

Several players will be chosen as target of Phase Blades, indicated by the red arrow above their heads. After a few seconds, Sikran charges through these players and deals heavy damage on them and players in its path.

After hitting a player, they spawn Cosmic Simulacrum below their current location when hit by Phase Blades. In Heroic, all players in the path of Phase Blades will spawn a Cosmic Simulacrum. While these are active, they pulsate for raid wide damage that can become quickly overwhelming if too many players are struck.

When they are destroy, they apply the Cosmic Shards debuff on all players, one stack per destroyed Cosmic Simulacrum. This debuff deals the same damage as the Cosmic Simulacrum, just double as fast, but only for 6 seconds per stack and destroyed Cosmic Simulacrum

As soon as they get destroyed, they leave Cosmic Residue, a large voidzone on the floor where they stood.



Several players will be targeted by Decimate. This is a shockwave in a straight line, in the direction of the target players. This deals heavy damage to players struck, and also destroy all Cosmic Simulacrum in its path. This will pierce the players, shooting through them. 


Shattering Sweep

Shattering Sweep creates a 15-yard large circle around the boss as soon as he reaches 100 energy. This deals damage to all players, and even more damage to players that are inside that 15-yards. 

This ability will destroy all remaining Cosmic Simulacrum.

Fourth Boss: Rasha'nan

Notable Abilities

  • Breaking the link to the webs by moving out of it will explode with Spinneret’s Websnap for partywide damage, so you dont want to do it all at the same time.

Heroic Difficulty

  • In Heroic, all players hit by the initial hit will be tethered to it.
  • Frequently, several players will be affected by Infested Spawn. In Heroic, this marks these players with a green circle around them.
  • One player will be afflicted with Web Reave, dealing damage that has to be soaked by a large group of players.
Savage Assault

Rasha’nan attacks the current Tank with Savage Assault. This attack deals a lot of damage, and also applies a stackable debuff called Savage Wound. All damage from Savage Assault that was not mitigated or suppressed will be applied as a damage over time debuff, like a stagger effect.

Tanks should taunt at a time they feel comfortable and run out of personal defensives.


Infested Spawn

Frequently, several players will be affected by Infested Spawn. In Heroic, this marks these players with a green circle around them. As you can already guess, this will then deal damage to all players within that 5-yard circle upon expiration. Afterwards, this spawns an add that attacks their current target with Infested Bite that leaves a periodic damage debuff, and then starts roaming around freely attacking and biting everything around them. Make sure to gather these adds and crowd control them.


Spinneret’s Strands

The new ability in the last phase is Spinneret’s Strands. This creates 10-yard circles around several players, and spawns Sticky Webs upon expiration. The affected players themself a tethered to the middle of these webs, pulling them slightly in and dealing damage while remaining inside. Breaking the link to the webs by moving out of it will explode with Spinneret’s Websnap for partywide damage, so you dont want to do it all at the same time. 

In Heroic, all players hit by the initial hit will be tethered to it.

Having Rolling Acid rolling over these remaining Webs will cause them to explode with Acid Pool, dealing heavy damage to only players still inside that web, and transforming it to another voidzone that deals very high damage to players inside.


Rolling Acid

Rolling Acid is an effect applied to two players. Upon expiration, it spawns a poisonous wave in the direction previously indicated by that effect on that side. Make sure to aim it away from players by either walking to the left or right of your party.


Erosive Spray

Erosive Spray is a cast that deals heavy initial damage to all players, and additional damage every 1 second for 4 seconds. This can also afflict Lingering Erosion on players that deal even more damage over the next 12 seconds.


Caustic Hail

Frequently, Rasha’nan uses Caustic Hail which creates many green swirls that deal damage to players struck within their 4-yard impact radius. Some of the swirls will sadly create more Acid Pool’s to further annoy players.


Web Reave

One player will be afflicted with Web Reave, dealing damage that has to be soaked by a large group of players. This ability does not apply a debuff afterwards, so all players can freely soak this. If it fails to strike atleast 3 players, all players in your raid will suffer the full damage of Web Reave.


Acidic Eruption

Upon reaching 100 energy, Rasha’nan flies to another location in the encounter area. When he lands, he starts casting Acidic Eruption which increases in its damage until players interrupt him.

During that time, he is immune to damage.


Tacky Burst

If there is no player standing close to Rasha’nan, he uses Tacky Burst to deal heavy damage until either players are dead or someone approaches melee range.

Fifth Boss: Eggtender Ovi'nax

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty

Sixth Boss: Nexus-Princess Ky'veza

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty

Seventh Boss: The Silken Court

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty

Final Boss: Queen Ansurek

Notable Abilities

Heroic Difficulty


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