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Our Path of Exile Crafting Guide helps you learning all the important mechanics to craft yourself the best Gear in the Game, including several examples.
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Path of Exile Crafting Guide

Our Path of Exile Crafting Guide helps you learning all the important mechanics to craft yourself the best Gear in the Game, including several examples.

Instead of farming enough currency to buy your desired Item in Path of Exile, it is also possible to create the Item yourself. Crafting is one of the most convulated mechanics in Path of Exile!

With enough planning, commitment and materials, you can create the best items in the game! In this Guide, we will teach exactly how players can achieve their desired item.

Basic of Crafting

Crafting defines the transformation of any equipment with certain items which can achieve the provoked outcome. There are many ways to transform an item in Path of Exile, utilizing many different League Mechanics and Basic Currency in the Game.


How does Equipment Crafting work?

Crafting provokes a certain outcome on the item, which is determined by the Equipment which is modified. In Order to learn how to craft powerful and specially designed equipment in Path of Exile, you first have to know how Stats on Equipment works.


Item Rarity

Equipment and Items like Jewels can have a different Rarity Level, determining the amount of modifiers on the item. 

  • Normal Items – Rarity Color White – 0 Stats on the Item
  • Magic Items – Rarity Color Blue – 2 Stats on the Item
  • Rare Items – Rarity Color Yellow – Up to 6 Stats on the Item
  • Unique Items – Rarity Color Orange – Up to 6 Stats on the Item. Can only be modified with a few mechanics



The Stats on an Item are mostly randomly generated upon creation. To be able to explain any further Crafting mechanics, it is important to learn the terminology of Stats on an item.

  • Implicit – Implicit Stats are determined by the Base Item. Different Items can have different Implicit modifiers. The Implicit will remain the same whenever an item is reforged through all other Crafting steps. The Implicit can be modified through Corruption, Synthesis or Eldritch Influence.
  • Explicit – An Item can have up to six Explicit modifiers. They will always be randomized whenever an item is dropped on the floor. Depending on the Base Item, the Explicit modifiers could vary. These Explicit modifiers will be split in two categories:
    • Prefix – A family of Explicit modifiers. An Item can only have up to 3 Prefix modifiers.
    • Suffix – A family of Explicit modifiers. An Item can only have up to 3 Suffix modifiers.


Base Item

Equipment can vary in its base. There are many hundreds of different items, with dozens of different Helmets or Body Armours (and more..). Base Items will differ in its Implicit modifier, granting different powers.

Base Items like Body Armour can also vary in its requirements, which also causes different Explicit modifiers being available. 


Helmets for example can have different stat requirements which impact the available Explicit modifiers available.

Helmet (Strength), Helmet (Dexterity), Helmet (Intelligence), Helmet (Strength & Dexterity), Helmet (Strength & Intelligence), Helmet (Dexterity & Intelligence)…

Basic Crafting Overview

It is very important to plan the exact crafting steps you are going to perform in order to achieve the Item of your desire. This requires knowing exactly which Stats you want to achieve. 

Path of Exile is a very complex game, with maybe thousand of different modifiers available for Equipment. There is no way for us to teach you all available modifiers for each item. 

You can find a great overview of all available modifiers for the desired item on This Website is a database for all available modifiers you can achieve. 

This Database will showcase all available Explicit modifiers, split between their origin that we explain later.

The weighting of these modifiers will showcase the likelyhood of obtaining it by randomly reforging it. The higher the weighting, the more likely it is to obtain it.

There is also another Website called, which can simulate a Crafting process. 

Players have a Crafting Table in their Hideout, offering many Recipes to be utilized. This Crafting Table will be used to add a specific Stat modifier to an item. Mostly, those modifiers from the Crafting Table have lower effects then the randomly generated ones on an item. 

There are a few recipes available which can be learned and used on the Crafting Table which are very unique, and not randomly available on an Item. 

Currency Items are mainly used to trade Items with other players, but also to craft your own Items. We will now explain the main categories of Items which can manipulate the Explicit or Implicit modifiers on Items.

Currency Crafting

Currencies can manipulate Items in many ways. These currencies are used to start your crafting process, causing different outcomes depending on the currency used.

  • Jewellers Orb – Changes the amount of Sockets on the Item
  • Orb of Fusing – Changes the links of Sockets on the Item
  • Chaos Orb – Changes a Rare Item unpredictably
  • Exalted Orb – Adds one additional Explicit on an item, if there is space
  • Annulment Orb – Removes one Explicit on an item
Essence Crafting

Like a Chaos Orb, an Essence will completly reforge an Item completly. Essences will reforge the Item, but also guarantees the specific Explicit that the Essence implies.

The other Explicit modifers on the Item will be randomly generated, while the stated Essence modifier will be guaranteed. This can be used to provoke a desired outcome on an Item.

Fossil Crafting

Fossils can be placed into a Resonator, which then can be used on an Item like a Currency. This will cause an Item to be reforged, similar to a Chaos Orb or Essence, but with certain outcomes being more likely.


The modifiers on the Fossils define different categories, which can also be seen in the Database listed above. This will cause certain outcomes to be more likely, and others to not be included at all.

Additional Currency Crafting

Most of the above listed Crafting methods will change the Explicit modifiers on an Item. But Equipment has more then just Explicit modifiers, and those can also be modified. 

  • Vaal Orb – Will Corrupt an Item. Corrupting an Item can cause the Item to either gain a new Implicit, be completly reforged, unchanged, or just deletes the Item! Beware!
  • Blessed Orb – Changes the Numeric value of the Implicit Item
  • Armourer’s Scrap – Increases the Quality of an Item (Up to 20%) which increases the Base Items value.

Implicits or Enchantments of Items can be changed, without reforging the Explicit modifiers on an item. Exception to this are Corrupting an item, causing the item to be no longer modifiable.

Advanced Crafting Overview

After learning all the basics of how to manipulate an Item, we are now looking into the more advanced ways of crafting an item. We will use all the crafting steps learned above, and implement some new League Mechanics and Items to manipulate Items to achieve the desired outcome.

First, we will explain some more advanced Currencies and League Mechanics which can be used, then we use multiple examples to explain the correct steps to craft some Items!

Crafting Recipes from the Betrayal Mechanic

Randomly encountered Betrayal enemies in your maps can drop Items with a Veiled Modifier. Talking to Jun in your Hideout lets you unveil these Items, allowing you to choose from a specific Betrayal Modifier. Every Item Base has a pool of Explicit modifiers. 

After unveiling these Items, players will learn a weaker version of the Unveiled Modifier as a crafting recipe, usable on the players Crafting Table.

  • Players can use a Veiled Chaos Orb which reforges an Item like a regular Chaos Orb, but with an additional Veiled Mod
  • Aisling in the Mastermind Hideout can Augment a Veiled Mod by removing a random Explicit from your Item. 

Learn more how the Betrayal Hideouts work in our League Mechanics Guide if you are looking for the Aisling Rank 4 Betrayal Craft.

Harvest Recipes

The Harvest Mechanic is a way for players to craft very unique recipes, similar to the Betrayal Mechanic.

The Harvest Crafting Table can be accessed in a players hideout or in the Sacred Grove. Harvest Recipes require a special currency which can be obtained by killing enemies in the Sacred Grove discovered during Maps.

Harvest Recipes have many similarities to regular Crafting Currencies, but also some special recipes only obtainable there:

  • Change Fire Resistance to Lightning Resistance on an Item
  • Augment/Reforge Items with a specific category of modifiers like Attack, Elemental or Life (similar to Fossils, but guaranteed)
  • Reroll a Synthesis Implicit to another
  • Reroll an Influence to another
Fractured Items

Fractured Items and Synthesis Items are special type of item bases. A Fractured Explicit cannot be removed from the item anymore, allowing players to craft items more easy due to its permanent Explicit. A Fracturing Orb can be used to create a Fractured Mod on an item with atleast 4 Explicits, choosing one of the 4 randomly.

Synthesis Items can be obtained as a drop from Rare mobs or Strongboxes, having different Implicit modifiers then their regular versions. 

Synthesis and Fractured Items do have some Crafting Restrictions:

  • Synthesis and Fractured Items cannot be influenced.
  • Fractured Items can be influenced by Eldritch Embers/Ichors, but not by any others.
  • Synthesis Implicits can be rerolled by a Harvest Craft
Influenced Items

Influenced Items are special types of base items with an expanded pool of exclusive Explicit modifiers. 


Using an Awakener’s Orb can create an Item with two Influences. Using an Orb of Scouring will not delete the Influence on an item. Influenced Items can not be Synthesized or influenced with Eldritch Ichors and Eldritch Embers.

Modifying any Corrupted Item

In most cases, a corrupted item can no longer be modified. This will prohibit any corrupted item to upgraded by quality or reforged. There are some Crafting Currencies in the game currently which still allow modifying any corrupted item. Those Items can be obtained by killing Beyond Demons. Using these Tainted currencies will have random outcome, and cannot be used to craft deterministically.

  • Tainted Blessing – Can be placed in the Divine Font to allow enchantment of corrupted gloves, boots, helmets or belts.
  • Tainted Armourer’s Scrap – Randomises the quality of a corrupted armour
  • Tainted Blacksmith’s Whetstone – Randomises the quality of a corrupted weapon
  • Tainted Chaos Orb – Unpredictably either reforges a corrupted rare item with new random modifiers or removes all of its modifiers
  • Tainted Chromatic Orb – Unpredictably reforges the colour of sockets on a corrupted item
  • Tainted Divine Teardrop – Unpredictably raises or lowers the tier of each modifier on a corrupted rare item
  • Tainted Exalted Orb – Unpredictably adds or removes a modifier on a corrupted rare item
  • Tainted Jeweller’s Orb – Unpredictably adds or removes a socket on a corrupted item
  • Tainted Mythical Orb – Unpredictably either upgrades a corrupted item to unique rarity or destroys it
  • Tainted Orb of Fusing – Unpredictably adds or removes a link to the largest group of linked sockets on a corrupted item


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