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“Bedlam Veil” – Scions of Ithelia Preview – Elder Scrolls Online

Delve into the demiplane of Maelstrom and defend an ancient vault in Bedlam Veil, coming soon with the Scions of Ithelia dungeon DLC.
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“Bedlam Veil” – Scions of Ithelia Preview – Elder Scrolls Online

Delve into the demiplane of Maelstrom and defend an ancient vault in Bedlam Veil, coming soon with the Scions of Ithelia dungeon DLC.

Arriving March 11 for PC/Mac and March 26 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, Bedlam Veil is one of two all-new dungeons within the upcoming Scions of Ithelia dungeon DLC pack. At launch, you can take on this latest challenge via ESO Plus™ membership or purchase it from the in-game Crown Store.


A cult known as the Blind Path has invaded the Bedlam Veil, and Fa-Nuit-Hen needs you and your allies’ assistance in protecting a powerful relic. An extension of the Demiprince’s realm, this mysterious vault serves a very different purpose from that of the Maelstrom Arena (first introduced as part of the Orsinium DLC).

“Think of it [Bedlam Veil] as a sort of storehouse where Fa-Nuit-Hen keeps treasures, memories, and all the unused materials of creation that do not make an appearance in the arenas,” explains Helena Wachhaus one of ESO’s Writer-Designers. “It isn’t visited very frequently, so Fa-Nuit-Hen’s interest is piqued when a cult known as the Blind Path start rooting around in there, and they need capable warriors to help them stop the cult from getting what they want.”

If you’ve ventured into the Maelstrom Arena in the past, when exploring this new dungeon, you’ll have a chance to discover more about this peculiar part of Oblivion and its master.

“Maelstrom’s arenas are heavily curated by Fa-Nuit-Hen to show off challenger’s combat skills and adaptability,” says Wachhaus. “But, Bedlam Veil shows a side of its master that is less planned out. You’ll be able to see just from the ground alone that Bedlam Veil is a little haphazard. While Fa-Nuit-Hen is just as charismatic and combat-focused as ever, this space and situation explores the relationship with Tutor Riparius and the Barons who Move Like This.”


Fa-Nuit-Hen needs you!

In addition to discovering more about Maelstrom and Fa-Nuit-Hen, this dungeon also introduces elements that lead into the upcoming Gold Road Chapter.

“For anyone who watched the Global Reveal, some of the monsters in Bedlam Veil should look familiar,” says Wachhaus. “They have this glassy, almost mirror-like appearance that may help you draw some connections from the ongoing story to the Blind Path’s ultimate goals.”


When designing Bedlam Veil, the team wanted to create a dungeon environment that feels familiar, dangerous, and perplexing.

“A lot of inspiration is drawn from Maelstrom Arena,” says Shane Slama, ESO’s Senior Encounter Designer. “Players familiar with the icy water in the Rink of Frozen Blood or the venomous ruins in the Vault of Umbrage will recognize more of Fa-Nuit-Hen’s handiwork in Bedlam Veil.”


Explore Maelstrom

“That said, most of the zone is still under construction, with enormous floating rocks you’ll need to carefully navigate across,” explains Slama. “If you look down, you’re able to see glimpses of the raw material that Fa-Nuit-Hen uses to mold and shape this demiplane.”

While the vault itself is under construction, the foes you and your party must face within are all too ready to challenge any would-be interlopers.

“Fa-Nuit-Hen is quite proud of their arenas, and they decided to dedicate a section of Bedlam Veil to their barons known as the Hall of Barons. This is where familiar foes from Maelstrom Arena like Maxus the Many and the Champion of Atrocity are lurking. But unlike in their previous appearance, you’ll be battling these two simultaneously, and you’ll be glad you have a party to back you up.”


New and familiar foes await

“If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also need to contend with the Blind Path and the Darkshard monstrosity that is puppeteering these enemies from the past,” warns Slama “Make sure your Venom Grenade throwing arm is warmed up!”

Between the invading cultists and the Bedlam Veil’s “native” inhabitants, you’ll have your hands full when venturing into this dungeon. This is especially so when confronting the Blind. 

“The Blind leads the invasion into Bedlam Veil and forges a siege weapon designed to break through the strongest of barriers. The fight against them requires you to pay close attention to the waves of destruction that flow across the ground and run or dodge toward the openings you see.”


Battle the Blind

“It’s a cool feature of the boss battle because it delivers as a fun gameplay element that forces you to dance and weave while also being a great visual element to the story. It shows the Blind’s relentless assault on Fa-Nuit-Hen’s demiplane in service of Ithelia.”


Much like the Maelstrom Arena, Bedlam Veil hosts great rewards for those willing to brave its challenges. Should you defeat the Blind Path and survive, you will discover new item sets, collectibles, achievements, and more.

This includes (but isn’t limited to) the Echonir Examination memento (earned by completing the dungeon) or the Artifact-Hunter Amber dye (earned by completing both Bedlam Veil and Oathsworn Pit’s side content). 


Scions of Ithelia dungeon rewards

These rewards also include a new monster mask and three unique item sets (one light, medium, and heavy) that introduce powerful new ways to equip your adventurers. For example, the Blind Path Induction light set boosts your damage shields and healing, depending on your distance from your targets.


Blind Path Induction

“For the healer who adapts to any situation, Blind Path Induction will fit you like a glove,” says Nadav Pechthold, one of ESO’s combat designers. “While keeping distance from your allies, they will receive stronger healing from you, but while close, you will both benefit from tougher Damage Shields. Stay close to prevent damage and fall back to save your team from the brink!”


Step once more into the realm of Maelstrom and help the Multiplier of Motions Known repel the invading cultists and protect a mysterious relic. What you experience in the new Bedlam Veil dungeon signals the adventures to come when the Gold Road Chapter arrives this June. Are you excited to return to this chaotic aspect of Oblivion? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

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