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The Stonevault – The War Within Season 1

Our The Stonevault – The War Within Season 1 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 1! Check out our War Within The Stonevault S1 Guide here on

The Stonevault – The War Within Season 1

Our The Stonevault – The War Within Season 1 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 1! Check out our War Within The Stonevault S1 Guide here on

You can check out all other Guides for The War Within here in our Guides for World of Warcraft!

MDT Route for S1 Stonevault

Video Guide for The Stonevault

First Boss: E.D.N.A

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Earth Infused Golem use Ground Pound, which slows and deals damage to players within 30 yards. They also use Seismic Wave, a frontal cone in the direction of a random player.

Cursedheart Invader deal damage with Arcing Void to the current Tank, which jumps over for less damage to up to 3 more players. Void Infection is a debuff that is applied to a random player, dealing damage over time but can be dispelled.

Ghastly Voidsoul have the Howling Fear ability that must be interrupted, otherwise players are feared for 4 seconds.

Repurposed Loaderboat use Pulverizing Pounce to jump on a random player, dealing damage and knocking players struck by it. This ability is indicated by a large brown swirl.

E.D.N.A Notable Abilities

  • Make sure to destroy as many Volatile Spike’s as possible, otherwise Earth Shatterer will deal too much damage.

Earth Shatterer

E.D.N.A slams the ground, inflicting damage to all players and destroying all remaining Volatile Spike. The group-wide damage increases per Volatile Spike left in the area.


Volatile Spike

Indicated by a red circle around them, Volatile Spike‘s will explode if a players walks into it, or destroyed by Earth Shatterer or Refracting Beam. This damage will deal group-wide damage, and additional damage to the player stepping into it.


Refracting Beam

Up to 3 players will be frequently affected by Refracting Beam, shooting a projectile from the Boss in their location. This will destroy existing Volatile Spike in their path and behind the targeted player.


Seismic Smash

E.D.N.A will attack the current Tank with Seismic Smash, dealing heavy damage and applying Seismic Reverberation. This debuff deals damage over time, and applies Earth Shield to the Boss upon expiration or dispell. 

Second Boss: Skarmorak

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Void Bound Despoiler use Void Storm to deal to all players during this channel. This cannot be interrupted. Defiling Outburst cast has to be interrupted, otherwise it deals damage to all players within 50 yards and increase their damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds.

Engine Speaker apply Concussive Smash on their current target, slowing them. This debuff can stack.

Voidbound Howler use Piercing Wail to deal damage to all players, and increase their damage taken from other Piercing Wail‘s by 25% per stack for 14 seconds. This can be interrupted.

Turned Speaker’s Censoring Gear is a projectile in the direction of a random player, dealing damage to players struck in their path and silencing them for 3 seconds.

Void Touched Elemental use Crystal Salvo, dealing damage to players within 3-yards.

Skarmorak Notable Abilities

Crystalline Smash

Skarmorak slams the current Tank, inflicting Shadow damage and spawning Crystal Shards. Players struck in their location upon spawn take heavy damage. 

Crystalline Eruption

Crystal Shard explodes upon death, dealing Shadow damage to all players. Crystalline Eruption will apply a debuff increasing damage taken from Crystalline Eruption. This effect stacks.

Unstable Crash

Skarmorak slams the ground, dealing damage to all players struck within 15-yards. Afterwards he launches a Void Fragment to all players location. Running into this Void Fragment will grant players the Void Empowerment, causing them to deal additional damage against absorb shields. This effect can stack. Make sure to not instantly pick it up, and wait for his Reclaim ability.


Skarmorak gains an absorb shield, Crumbling Shell. This shield increases in value per Crystal Shard that was still alive. While the absorb shield persists, Skarmorak uses Void Discharge, inflicting Shadow damage to all players every 2 seconds. Each time Void Discharge inflicts damage its damage is increased by 10%. This effect stacks.

Third Boss: Forge Speakers

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Skardyn Invader use Void Infection and Arcing Void, similar to previous enemies that you encountered.

Aspiring Forgehand apply Fracture with their auto-attacks on the current Tank, increasing their damage taken by 5% for 8 seconds per stack.

Forgebound Mender attack their current target with Alloy Bolt. Their Restoring Metals cast hast to be interrupted, otherwise it heals one enemy by 20% of their maximum health.

Forge Loader’s Lava Cannon is a projectile in the direction of a random player, dealing damage and applying a damage-over-time debuff on players that are struck. Molten Mortar deals damage to two random players and also applies a damage-over-time debuff.

Forge Speakers Notable Abilities

Silenced Speaker

After defeating one Boss, the otherone will have its damage increased by 75% and pulsate for medium fire damage per second. 

Make sure to kill both bosses at the same time.


Speaker Brokk

Activate Ventilation

Speaker Brokk activates the ventilation system, dealing damage to all players and additional damage to players standing on the vents.

This will shoot out Flaming Scrap, which leaves lava pools on the floor that must be avoided.


Molten Metal

Speaker Brokk sends liquid metal surging into  random targets, dealing Fire damage, and slowing them by 50% for 8 sec. This can be interrupted.


Scrap Song

Speaker Brokk summons a large metal cube, which he then sends surging across the room inflicting Physical damage, and stunning players caught in its path for 3 sec.


Speaker Dorlita

Scrap Song

Speaker Brokk also summons a large metal cube into the middle of the room, but instead he destroys them in a large explosion that has to be avoided.


Lava Expulsion

Lava Expulsion is a molten projectile, similar to previous trash packs, that Speaker Dorlita fires towards a random target. This will clear Metal Scrape pools on the floor if it passes through.


Molten Hammer

Speaker Dorlita strikes her target with Molten Hammer, inflicting heavy damage to the Tank.

Final Boss: High Speaker Eirich

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Cursedfore Honor Guard use Shield Stampede, charging to a random location, stunning players and deal medium damage to players struck in its path. This is indicated by a blue arrow coming from the Honor Guard. Stonebreaker Strike deals medium damage to their current Tank.

Cursedforge Mender use Alloy Bolt and Restoring Metals, similar as previous enemies.

Rock Smasher use Smash Rock in the direction of the current Tank. Tanks must make sure to turn this enemy away, because players will take increased damage by this ability after each use. This will also knock all players within 60 yards. Granite Eruption deals heavy damage to players struck. This ability is indicated by a large brown swirl.

Cursedforge Stoneshaper attack a random target with Stone Bolt. Their Earth Burst Totem must be killed quick, otherwise it explodes for heavy damage to all players.

High Speaker Eirich Notable Abilities

Void Rift

High Speaker Eirich opens rifts to the Void, pulling in nearby players, killing anyone within 3 yards of the center of the rift.


Void Corruption

A random player will be affected by VC, dealing damage over time which increases every 3 seconds.

Walking within 15-yards of the Void Rift will clear this debuff.


Entropic Reckoning

High Speaker Eirich shoots projectiles that have to be dodged. Standing in its impact deals heavy damage. This also leaves a voidzone on the floor.


Unbridled Void

High Speaker Eirich fires a frontal cone at a random player, inflicting Shadow damage to all players in his front arc within 45 yards.


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