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Azure Vault – Dragonflight Season 4

Our Azure Vault – Dragonflight Season 4 Guide prepares you for all the adventures in World of Warcraft’s latest Season! Check out our Dragonflight Azure Vault S4 Guide here on

Azure Vault – Dragonflight Season 4

Our Azure Vault – Dragonflight Season 4 Guide prepares you for all the adventures in World of Warcraft’s latest Season! Check out our Dragonflight Azure Vault S4 Guide here on

MDT Route for S4 Azure Vault


First Boss: Leymor

As soon as you defeat the first boss of the dungeon, an NPC will spawn right from where you have entered the dungeon named Sindragosa. She will give you access to teleports throughout the instance, with the first one being after defeating Leymor, the second one to the left after defeating Azureblade, and the last one being just before heading down to the last boss, Umbrelskul.

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Interrupt Arcane Tender‘s  Erratic Growth, else the player will be crowd-controlled into a sapling for 6 sec. Keep in mind that you can dispel it, but anyone within a few close yards of you will be transformed into a sapling (crowd-controlled), hence why you have to keep in distance in case of it.
In addition, the Arcane Tender will occasionally spawn  Wild Eruption swirls on the ground. These deal damage, and leave behind a puddle of  Infused Ground, which deals damage as you stand in it.
The whole group must keep  Mystic Vapors group-wide AoE damage-over-time effect interrupted on the Conjured Lasher at all times.
Stop the Shrieking Whelp‘s  Shriek however possible using CCs before the cast finishes. Otherwise, it will pull all the mobs in the area around it, including those not already active in the dungeon. Be sure to pull the Whelp before you use any type of CC on it, or it will not do anything.

Leymor Notable Abilities

  • Ley-Line Sprouts are periodically spawned throughout the fight by Leymor. These must be destroyed using the other abilities.
  • Consuming Stomp is a groupwide damaging ability that will deal damage based on how many Sprouts are still alive in the room.
  •  Ley-Line Sprouts are periodically spawned throughout the fight by Leymor. These must be destroyed using the other abilities throughout the fight, or your group will wipe out the groupwide damage done by Consuming Stomp. When a Sprout is destroyed, it spawns a Bubbling Sapling, the same oozelings you fought before the boss was activated.
  •  Explosive Brand is a knockback done by Leymor which leaves a circle on everyone in the group. When this circle expires, it will destroy any Sprouts inside of it.
  •  Consuming Stomp is a groupwide damaging ability that will deal damage based on how many Sprouts are still alive in the room.

Second Boss: Azureblade

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Arcane Elemental will cast  Arcane Bolt on tank, and a must-interrupt  Waking Bane crowd control ability.
Apart from  Heavy Tome casts on your tank, Unstable Curator will spawn  Forbidden Knowledge ground swirls, of which you must avoid, else you will be disoriented for 4 seconds (or die if you are low health).
 Icy Bindings is a groupwide root with a DoT component, cast by the Rune Seal Keeper. It should be kicked but can be dispelled. Any spare kicks should go on the  Condensed Frost, a low-damage ability exclusively targeting your tank.
Crystal Fury do a frontal cone,  Piercing Shards, that is aimed by your tank.
Crystal Thrasher will cast  Splintering Shards, which puts a circle around a target, causing them to bleed as well as deal damage to anyone inside their circle.

Azureblade Notable Abilities

  • Overwhelming Energy causes the boss to run to the centre. It will spawn 4 Draconic Images which channel on the boss, making it immune to damage.
  • Arcane Cleave is a frontal cleave. Don’t aim this at the group.
  •  Summon Draconic Image summons a dragonkin around the room. This will shoot  Illusionary Bolts at random group members and must be interrupted. Once you defeat them, they will trigger a second effect –  Unstable Magic, dodge the ground swirlies!
  •  Ancient Orb shoots an orb from the boss in a straight line to the edge of the room in any direction it chooses. You should dodge this as soon as it starts the channel.
  •  Overwhelming Energy causes the boss to run to the centre. It will spawn 4 Draconic Images which channel on the boss, making it immune to damage. You must kill the four images to continue the boss fight. While this is going on, the boss is also spawning 5 Ancient Orbs at a time in a pentagon pattern and shooting them to the edges of the room. These must be dodged the same as the big ones during the main phase of the fight.
  • Arcane Cleave is a frontal cleave. Don’t aim this at the group.

Third Boss: Telash Greywing

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Drakonid Breaker‘s  Shoulder Slam targets a random player and charges at them, dealing physical damage. In addition, they also have  Bestial Roar which deals heavy group AoE damage.
Nullmagic Hornswog‘s  Null Stomp is the only ability you should focus on, although it prefers to “jump” on Ranged players, it can be deadly for the whole group if multiple of those mobs are pulled. Watch out!

Telash Greywing Notable Abilities

  • Frost Bomb is targeting all 5 members of your team. It drops a patch of ice on the floor.
  • Absolute Zero will cause the boss to teleport to the centre of the room and begin a channel. The group must make their way to the safety of a  Vault Rune somewhere on the floor.
  •  Frost Bomb is targeting all 5 members of your team. It drops a patch of ice on the floor, indicated by the circle around the player. These will then grow over the next 2 minutes, meaning the group must be conscious of the space that they use.
  •  Absolute Zero will cause the boss to teleport to the centre of the room and begin a channel. The group must make their way to the safety of a  Vault Rune somewhere on the floor, indicated by a blue bubble. During  Absolute Zero, the boss will take 99% reduced damage, so your whole focus is on surviving rather than min-maxing damage.
  • Use defensive cooldown if you get targeted by the  Icy Devastator. Dropping combat abilities can also work (e.g.  Shadowmeld Vanish Invisibility Feign Death and such).

Final Boss: Umbrelskul

Umbrelskul Notable Abilities


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