The boss is quite simple: it passively generates Energy, gaining more if it soaks any Arcane Orbs. Upon reaching 100 Energy, it will cast Arcane Fissure, a powerful mass group-wide AoE cast. Below you can find our detailed breakdown of how each member of your team should play it.
Arcane Orbs spawn all around the circle and
must be soaked by different people.
Don’t let them hit Vexamus! It will gain 20 energy and damage your whole party. Each orb soaked does damage and puts a magic-dispellable stacking debuff
Oversurge that makes you take 100% more damage per orb soaked. Alternatively, have someone with magic immunity run around and soak all the orbs!
Arcane Fissure is cast approximately every 40 seconds at 100 energy if you handled the
Arcane Orbs correctly. Every orb that hits the boss will reduce the timer by 8 seconds! You will get knocked back, take damage, and spawn multiple swirls over a few seconds which will explode. Don’t drop the swirls on your group!
Use a defensive during
Mana Bombs (it will always go on
3 people – usually
DPS/Healer) DoT duration. Make sure to avoid the lingering pool on the ground –
Corrupted Mana appearing after the last tick of
Mana Bombs.
Oversurge when you can to allow people to soak more orbs.