Rira Hackclaw
One random player is targeted by Savage Charge. This will deal damage to the first target hit by this Savage Charge.
Tanks should make sure to stand infront of Rira Hackclaw.
Bladestorm is frequently cast while fixating on a random player for 5 seconds. The fixated player will change everytime.
Make sure to dodge away when you are too close to Rira Hackclaw.
Rira Hackclaw uses her Cleave. This is frontal cone towards the Tank. Tanks should always face the Boss away from the group.
One random player will be afflicted with Marked for Butchery. This deals damage to the marked player for 4 seconds. Healers must compensate this, and players should use their personal defensive cooldown.
Gashtooth will jump on multiple random player with Gash Frenzy. This applies a periodic damage debuff. This is removed if their health reaches above 90%.
Decayed Senses will blind the Tank and must be dispelled immediatly.
Tricktotem’s Abilities
Tricktotem will frequently spawn a Hextrick Totem. This will disorient players as long as persists.
Make sure to kill this immediatly.
Whenever one enemy reaches 15% health, all enemies gain Bloodfrenzy. Make sure to cleave all Bosses equally.
Earth Bolt is Tricktotem’s regular cast. Players should use their spare interrupts on this spell.
Frequently, Tricktotem uses Greater Healing Rapids in an attempt to heal her allies. Make sure to always interrupt this.