This passive ability allows the Boss to gain Energy over time. At 100 Energy, he casts Titanic Empowerment which inceases his damage done by 50%.
The Boss will also passively gain two stacks of Inexorable, granting him immunity to stun effects.
Tanks have to move the Boss through 3 Resonating Orb to stun the Boss.
Three party members will be affected by Resonating Orb. After a short while, they will spawn a Voidzone.
This Voidzone will stun any player or the Boss whenever coming into contact with them.
Tanks must make sure to move the Boss through 3 Resonating Orb to stun him before he gains Titanic Empowerment.
At 100 Energy, Talondras will cast Titanic Empowerment. This increases his damage done by 50% for 30 seconds and makes him immun to stun effects.
This can become deadly very quick in combination with other damaging abilities like Crushing Stomp.
Frequently, Talondras will cast Crushing Stomp, dealing party wide damage and knocking all players away.
Earthen Shards is a periodic damage debuff which is frequently applied to the Tank.