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Cinderbrew Meadery – The War Within Season 2

Our Cinderbrew Meadery – The War Within Season 2 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 2 and Patch 11.1.0! Check out our War Within Cinderbrew Meadery S2 Guide here on

Cinderbrew Meadery – The War Within Season 2

Our Cinderbrew Meadery – The War Within Season 2 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 2 and Patch 11.1.0! Check out our War Within Cinderbrew Meadery S2 Guide here on

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Cinderbrew Meadery Video Guide

MDT Route for S2 Cinderbrew Meadery

First Boss: Brew Master Aldryr

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Venture Co.Patron use Mean Mug against the current Tank, dealing damage and applying a stackable bleed on the Tank. Beware that there are a lot of them!

Hired Muscle cast Throw Chair and throws it at a random player to deal damage, and Volatile Keg is a 2-second cast and then channels for 8 seconds that deals fire damage to all players within 50 yards.

Tasting Room Attendant use Cinderbrew Toss at a random player, throwing a glass at a random player that deals damage to the player and others within 3 yards, and also disorient them. This cast should be made sure to be interrupted. 

Venture Co. Pyromaniac cast Boiling Flame on a random player, dealing damage in a channel cast on that player, that can also be interrupted. Also more stuff to interrupt, Erupting Inferno can be interrupted, and if not, it applies a debuff to a player that deals damage over time in a 5-yard radius around him.

Chef Chewie is a mini-boss that you encounter and has two abilities. Tenderize is an un-interruptable cast that deals damage to all players and knocks them away. High Steaks spawns several swirls that stun players if hit.

Brew Master Aldryr Notable Abilities

  • At 100 energy during Happy Hour, collect the kegs at the bar and bring them to the thirsty NPCs

  • Do not get into contact with the Crawling Brawl NPCs
Happy Hour

Upon reaching 100 energy, Aldryr uses Happy Hour. During this time, he is immune to damage. 

Collect the kegs at the bar, and bring them to thirsty NPCs in the back, indicated by a glowing effect.

Afterwards, Crawling Brawl spawns several NPCs breaking into a fight with each other. Coming into contact with them stuns players for 3 seconds and take heavy damage.


Throw Cinderbrew

Aldryr casts Throw Cinderbrew on several random players, causing them to take damage every 1.5 seconds for 9 seconds, and leaving Hot Honey underneath the players. You want to make sure to place these voidzones in a coordinated way.


Keg Smash

Keg Smash deals high damage against the current tank, and also leaves some Hot Honey close-by in melee range. Move the boss away from the bar counter, so players dont run through the Hot Honey.


Blazing Belch

Blazing Belch is a simple frontal-cone in the direction of a random player. Deal with all these abilities that require movement without running into the brawling NPCs.

Second Boss: I'pa

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Venture Co. Pyromaniac are the same as before, requiring two of their casts to be interrupted.

Flavor Scientist throws a Failed Batch, like a totem that casts Explosive Brew, dealing heavy damage after 10 seconds to your whole party. They also cast Rejuvenating Honey, applying a heal over time on one enemy. Either interrupt this cast, or purge the buff away from them.

Taste Tester throw Free Samples? on a random player, dealing damage to them, but mostly attack the tank with regular attacks.

Careless Hopgoblin charge in the direction of a random player with Reckless Delivery. This charge is very far, so make sure to position yourself towards a wall when you are targeted. They spawn a few Brew Drop adds upon death which are not very interesting enemies to deal with. 

I'pa Notable Abilities

Spouting Stout

I’pa uses Spouting Stout as its main mechanic of the fight. 

This deals damage to all players over 8 seconds, and spawns Brew Drop, little adds that are running towards the Boss.

When these adds die, they leave Oozing Honey on the floor, a voidzone that deals damage to players inside. These voidzones shrink overtime, and cause a new Brew Drop to spawn one more time. If they life too long, they gain a 200% buff on their movement speed.

If I’pa touches any Brew Drop, it causes them to explode with Fill ‘er Up, and grant a 20% absorb shield, a fifth of its maximum health.


Burning Fermantation

Burning Fermantation is a dispellable debuff on a random player, dealing damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds.


Bottoms Uppercut

And last, XX deals heavy damage to the Tank, and knock them away.

Third Boss: Benk Buzzbee

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Bee Wrangler cast Bee-Zooka in the direction of a player, shooting a laser bee’m in that direction. They also cast Bee-stial Wrath, enraging himself and nearby bee’s. This cannot be interrupted, but stunned.

Worker Bee’s Shredding Sting is a charge to a random player, dealing damage and leaving a stackable bleeding debuff. Final Sting is cast upon reaching 20% health, dealing very high damage to a random player if not killed or stunned before it finishes.

Royal Jelly Purveyor cast Honey Volley, dealing damage to all players and slowing them by 70% if not interrupted. Rain of Honey spawns many swirls, which deal damage on impact to players that are inside of it.

Venture Co. Honey Harvester have the Swarming Surprise ability. This causes melee players to take damage and increases the damage of Swarming Surprise by 40%. This makes this enemy your primary target, because this debuff can stack. Beeswax creates a large brown circle around the Harvester, dealing damage to players and stunning them if they got struck.

Benk Buzzbee Notable Abilities

  • Destroy the Kegs that are spawned by Snack Time by mounting defeated Ravenous Cinderbee’s

  • Dont let the Ravenous Cinderbee stand in the voidzone, otherwise they gain Honey Gorged.
Snack Time

The Boss spawns several Kegs with Snack Time, which deal damage on impact. These Kegs spawn Ravenous Cinderbees every 30 seconds as long as the Kegs are alive.

These Bees also jump to random players with Shredding Sting, but become friendly at 1 health.

Players can mount them and enters the mounting interface. When pressing 1 – Bee-Haw!, it shoots the Bee and kills the bee, and also destroys all remaining Kegs. This is the key mechanic of this encounter.


Fluttering Wing

Fluttering Wing is a channeling cast, dealing damage to all players over 2 seconds, and pushing them away. This has to be healed up.


Honey Marinade

The boss applies the Tank with Honey Marinade, dealing heavy damage in a 6-yard radius around the Tank, and leaving Flaming Honey on the floor. Tanks should place this away, and then move the Boss and Bees away from it, otherwise the Bees will heal themself and gain 50% haste while they remain inside of it.

Fourth Boss: Goldie Baronbottom

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Each Miniboss heals the others when one dies, and grant them a buff.

  • They leap to a random player with Downward Trend, and applying a bleeding debuff on players in 5yards of the impact. When one of them dies, other minibosses gain a 10% damage buff. 

Goldie Baronbottom Notable Abilities

  • Destroy all Barrels before she uses Let it Hail.
  • Beware to not destroying too many Volatile Barrels at the same time. 
Spread the Love!

Goldie stomps the ground to deal damage on all players, and also spawns several Cinderbrew Barrels and Volatile Barrles.

When these Barrels detonate, they go Cinder-Boom and send fire waves in all 4 directions. The Volatile Barrels will apply a stackable debuff Cindering Wounds aswell, dealing damage over 6 seconds. These Barrels are differently colored, and you should not destroy too many of them at the same time.

When she reaches 100 energy, she uses Let it Hail! which explodes all remaining barrels, causing probably a wipe if too many Volatile Barrels were still remaining, or atleast requiring strong healing cooldowns.


Burning Ricochet

To destroy Barrels in a controlled way, some players are sometimes affected by XX, creating a 5-yard circle around them, and exploding for damage on players and barrels. When a barrel is hit, it explodes with Cinder-Boom and spawns the waves coming out of it.


Cash Cannon

Cash Cannon is a frontal cone in the direction of the Tank, dealing damage to players struck and destroying any Barrels hit. This does not destroy Barrels that are far away, but only within like 15 yards infront of the boss.


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