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The Rookery – The War Within Season 2

Our The Rookery – The War Within Season 2 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 2 and Patch 11.1.0! Check out our War Within Rookery S2 Guide here on

The Rookery – The War Within Season 2

Our The Rookery – The War Within Season 2 Guide prepares you for the adventure in The War Within Season 2 and Patch 11.1.0! Check out our War Within Rookery S2 Guide here on

You can check out all other Guides for The War Within here in our Guides for World of Warcraft!

The Rookery Video Guide

MDT Route for S2 Rookery

First Boss: Kyrioss

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Cursed Rookguard attack the Tank with Crackling Crush, dealing a fancy amount of damage.

Cursed Thunderer cast Lightning Bolt on random players, but mostly just attack the Tank with regular auto-attacks.

Quartermaster Korarite uses Entropy Shield in a random direction, blocking all attacks from players coming out of that direction. Position yourself behind him while he channels this. Bounding Void are shooting 3 projectiles in a random direction, indicated by the mini-bosses direction he faces, which also travel back again to him.

Cursed Rooktender will use Enrage Rook to buff nearby Unruly Stormrook’s.

Unruly Stormrook cast Thunderstrike at the location of a random player, a swirl that detonates after a few seconds and dealing damage to players struck by it. Energized Barrage is a frontal cone, aimed towards a player, and you surely want to turn this away from your teammates if you are targeted.

Voidrider’s Charged Bombardment is a charge, who would have thought, in the direction of a random player, dealing damage to players in its path, and leaving swirls on the floor that detonate for more damage. Localized Storm is a channel cast that deals damage to players throughout its cast time, and cannot even be interrupted.

Kyrioss Notable Abilities

  • Clear your XX debuff by jumping into the middle of the area

hain Lightning

Kyrioss launches chain lightning that jumps over to 3 players, dealing Nature damage.


ightning Dash 

ightning Dash creates a swirl on the location of a random player, and as soon as his cast finishes, he charges to that location, dealing damage in that 12 yard radius.



Kyrioss creates little swirls, but missing the footage here, that are just regular swirls dealing damage on impact, similar to the last boss in Nokhud Offensive.


Lightning Torrent

Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyrioss flies to the center of the room and unleashes 4 beams that rotate in a circle across the area. Players getting hit by it take most likely deadly damage.


nstable Charge

In Mythic, Kyrioss applies Unstable Charge on a random player, and upon expiration it deals heavy damage to all players. To avoid taking your party members to take damage from that, players have to jump into the middle area and explode in there.

Second Boss: Stormguard Gorren

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

After the first Boss, jump into the middle again and glide down to the bottom.

Besides the Cursed Rookguard and Cursed Thunderer that you already know, Corrupted Oracle uses Seeping Corruption, a curse on a random player for 6 seconds that spawns a swirl underneath that player every 2 seconds, and as per usual dealing damage to players struck. Void Shell applies a damage absorb shield on all nearby enemies, absorbing damage and reflecting damage back. 

Coalescing Diffuser uses Attracting Shadows, pulling all players towards it and dealing heavy damage at the end of the cast to players in 6-yards of the mob. Arcing Void deals damage to the tank, but also to other close-by players like melee’s, so make sure to spread 6 yards away or interrupt this cast.

Void Cursed Crusher use Implosion on the current Tank, dealing damage to them and spawn a voidzone that pulls players inside that are too close to it before it then explodes.

And after killing a bunch of these packs, make sure to kill the last pack before the door to open it.

Stormguard Gorren Notable Abilities

  • Never let the same player get back XX when it expires and jumps to the closest player.

rush Reality

Stormguard Gorren targets a random player and marks his location as the impact of his leap. As like the 20th time in this dungeon, if you are caught in this swirl on impact, you take damage. This also leaves a voidzone on that location for 1 minute, and also shoots laser beams in several directions dealing damage to players struck. 


ark Gravity 

The boss will also frequently pull all players towards him with XX, dealing deadly damage to players within 10 yards of the boss.


Chaotic Corruption

Chaotic Corruption is the main mechanic of this fight. The boss will apply a debuff with 4 stacks on a random player. This player then explodes for damage within 6-yard around himself, and then this debuff jumps over to the closest player. The damage taken from this debuff is increased by 100% afterwards with Chaotic Vulnerability, so players have to juggle this debuff and never let the same player get it again.

Third Boss: Voidstone Monstrosity

Notable Trash Mobs in this Area

Void Fragment’s jump around and cast Crushing Darkness, once again a swirl, detonating, player damage struck, you already know. They also cast Void Bolt on random players.

Void Ascendant casts Void Volley, which you should make sure to interrupt.

Radiating Voidstone grants himself XX, absorbing damage and pulsating damage in the meantime. You can also sometimes use your extra button, stunning enemies in the targeted area.

Defeat a mix of all these mobs, especially the ones on the last port, to trigger the last boss.

Voidstone Monstrosity Notable Abilities

  • Tanks need to turn away the boss due to his Oblivion Wave ability. This is a frontal beam in the direction of the Tank


Tanks need to turn away the boss due to his Oblivion Wave ability. This is a frontal beam in the direction of the Tank


nleash Corruption 

XX is a debuff on several random players, detonating after a few seconds in a 10 yard radius. This will spawn Void Chunks. These adds have to be killed within 15 seconds otherwise they respawn as adds that pulsate heavy damage to players over time.



XX is a large party-wide damage that knocks all players away from the boss. This spawns several swirls for players to dodge, but also some permanent voidzones. To destroy these, the friendly NPC will grant a random player an extra button that can be used on these voidzones to clear them.


Void Shell 

oid Shell causes the Boss to absorb 20% of its health. When the shield is broken, the friendly NPC will use Storms Vengeance to deal 20% damage to the boss and stunning him for 10 seconds. This also spawns more Void Chunks that have to be killed immediatly.


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